Title: A Superabsorbent Polymer (NSP) and process for preparing the same
Name Of Inventor: Dr Nintu Mandal, Mr Vinay Kumar and Dr Swaraj Kumar Dutta
Name Of Department: Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Category Name: Patents

“A Superabsorbent Polymer (NSP) and process for preparing the same”(Patent no.  451589 Dated 14th September 2023)

Technical description

A polymer-based superabsorbent (NSP) is characterised by nitrogen content, equilibrium water absorbency (WA) .Field application of NSP @ 10 kg ha-1 with one (01) irrigation at CRI stage of wheat can save two (02) irrigation requirement. Superabsorbent polymer (@ 10 kg ha-1) is economically viable option for chickpea, lentil and mustard.  

Specific advantages

NSP is unique product where water-nitrogen synergistic interaction has been employed in rhizosphere. It can be applied irrespective of soil reaction (acidic, neutral and alkaline). It gradually releases moisture (desorption curve) across suction range (1-15 bar). It stimulates microbial processes in the rhizosphere in terms of increase in soil dehydrogenase activity. NSP improves soil physical property (aggregation, hydraulic conductivity and available moisture content).