Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC)
Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC) was started in 12 March, 2024 in the Directorate of Extension Education. The centre provide information on agricultural technologies in addition to providing other inputs like seeds, plant materials etc. including advisory services through Single Window System.
Objectives :
- Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC) is functioning in Single Window Delivery System.
- To provide agricultural technologies and farm advisory services to the farmers.
- To find out the farmers problems in field conditions and provide appropriate solutions.
Functions :
- Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC) sales counter is opened for the benefit of farmers at near the administrative building of BAU, Sabour
- To retacts the seeds, Biofertilizers, University publications, Mushroom spawn, Jam-Jelly, Honey etc.
- To guide the farmers who comes exposure visit to the university to various departments.
- To organize Kisan Pathshala for farmers coming from other districts of the state.
- To provide mechanism for feedback from the cases to the institute scientist.
- To provide agriculture improved technologies through publications and other materials to the farmers.
Dr. R. K. Sohane
Director Extension Education
BAU, Sabour (Bhagalpur)-813 210
Email :

Dr. R. N. Singh
Assoc. Director Extension Education
BAU, Sabour (Bhagalpur)-813 210
Email :
Mob. : 9934734126

The Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC) of Agricultural Research Institute, Patna is also inaugurated by Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, BAU, Sabour on 9th March, 2024.
Dr. Randheer Kumar
Regional Director
Agricultural Research Institute (ARI)
Patna – 800 030
Email :