Alternative Dispute Redressal Camp Organized at Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur.
For the speedy execution of the pending cases in the Hon'ble High Court, Patna, today on 31.05.2023, Bihar Agricultural University Headquarters, Sabour, Bhagalpur, probably for the first time in the state’s universities organized an “Alternative Dispute Redressal Camp" in the chairmanship of Dr. D.R. Singh, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, BAU, Sabour (Proceeding enclosed). In which 15 cases (list of cases enclosed) were selected by the committee for the hearing. Total 11 petitioners were present during this camp to present their cases, out of the selected cases. The camp was conducted under the chairmanship of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, BAU, Sabour and in the presence of constituted committee members namely Registrar, Director Administration, comptroller, learned counsel of the University, Officer-in-Charge of Legal Cell. The petitioners were given full opportunity to present their claims/grief in the context of the case. Thereafter, the committee discussed in depth about the various aspects of the related matter. After thorough discussion and as an outcome, consent letter from the 9 petitioners for withdrawal of cases pending in the High Court, Patna were submitted to the University.
This effort will prove to be a milestone in the direction of reducing the pressure of unnecessary pending legal cases on the University. At the same time, this effort reflects the positive thinking of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor in this direction, which will prove to be useful in creating a pleasant atmosphere among the office bearers and employees in the University Campus and in developing a better work culture.
The 2nd Alternative Dispute Redressal Camp Organized at Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur.
For the speedy execution of the pending cases in the Hon'ble High Court, Patna, today on 15.07.2023, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur (Headquarters), organized "2nd Alternative Dispute Redressal Camp" in the chairmanship of Dr. D.R. Singh, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, BAU, Sabour (Proceeding enclosed). The session was conducted in the presence of constituted committee members viz., Registrar, Comptroller, Learned Counsel of the university, Deputy Director Administration, and Officer-in-Charge of Legal Cell. In total, 15 cases (list of cases enclosed) were presented by the committee for hearing in which 19 petitioners presented their cases. The petitioners were privileged to present their claims/ griefs in the context of the case. Thereafter, the committee discussed in depth about the various aspects of the related matter. After thorough discussion, and as an outcome, consent letter from the side of 18 petitioners for withdrawal of cases pending in the High Court, Patna were submitted to the university.
This unparallel effort will prove to be a milestone in the direction of reducing the pressure of pending legal cases on the university. At the same time, this effort reflects the positive thinking of the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor in this direction, which will prove to be useful in creating work culture for the development of the University.