The Public Financial Management System (PFMS) is a web-based online software application developed and implemented by the Controller General of Accounts (CGA), Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India. PFMS started during 2009 with the objective of tracking funds released under all Plan schemes of Government of India, and real time reporting of expenditure at all levels of Programme implementation. Subsequently, the scope was enlarged to cover direct payment to beneficiaries under all Schemes. Gradually, it has been envisaged that digitization of accounts shall be achieved through PFMS and beginning with Pay & Accounts Offices payments, the O/o CGA did further value addition by bringing in more financial activities of the Government of India in the ambit of PFMS.
PFMS is active used since 2017 vide letter number 51/DEE, BAU, Sabour/821 Dated: 01-08-2017 at the University (HQ), (Comptroller Office, BAU, Sabour) Level as well as different Units of the University. Fund received through PFMS is being paid to the vendors, beneficiaries etc. through the same online platform by the University.
At present headquarter level of activity structure are as following:-
(1) Administrator - Sri Birendra Kumar Sinha (Dy. Comptroller, BAU, Sabour)
(2) Checker/Approver - Sri Ajay Kumar Mallick (Audit Officer, BAU, Sabour)
(3) Operator/Maker - Sri Umashankar Sharma (Senior Auditor, BAU, Sabour)
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