Dr. Chandan Kumar Panda
Name : Dr. Chandan Kumar Panda
Designation : Officer-in Charge, Placement Cell & Career Counselling Centre
Mobile No. : +91 - 8617025402
Whatsapp No. : +91 - 7277530797
Email id. : placementcellbau@gmail.com / placement@bausabour.ac.in

Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour is a basic and strategic institution supporting researchers and educationists towards imparting education at graduate and post graduate level, conducting basic, strategic, applied and adaptive research activities, ensuring effective transfer of technologies and capacity building of farmers and extension personnel. Colleges of the university are located in different districts of the state imparting education in agriculture, horticulture, agriculture engineering, sericulture, agribusiness management. We are also diligently working to develop coherence among our students through curricular and extracurricular activities to harness multidimensional facets of agriculture and allied sectors. Our students are working successfully in reputed MNCs, agricultural universities, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, state department of agriculture and NGOs. Our students are eloquent and competent to take challenges and accomplish it in diverse fields of agriculture and allied sectors.
The Placement Cell of the university aims at bridging the gap between corporate houses and the students of the university. The prime goal of the placement cell is to connect students with potential employers and help them secure jobs that match their skills, interests, and career goals. The cell plays pivotal responsibility in identifying various job opportunities for both the graduates and the postgraduates passing out students of the university and also its different colleges.


  • Providing career guidance and counselling
  • Facilitating job placements and arrange for campus interviews
  • Providing skill-building opportunities
  • Assisting with career exploration and decision-making
  • Providing career information and resources
  • Offering guidance on education and training
  • Providing job search assistance
  • Supporting career development
  • Organizing Job fair and Placement drive
  • Organizing Industry institute interface
  • Collect feedback from the institute coming for the placements
  • Create the database of probably recruiters

Our Vision:

The cell envision on ensuring successful career outcomes for students, building strong industry –institute relationship and enhancing the reputation of the university. The cell inculcates the spirit of ‘Work is worship and work with smile’ among the students.

Our Mission:

Providing multiple platforms and opportunities to the students through continuous placement activities for their recruitment and fostering a culture of professionalism and excellence.

Student Coordinators of Different Colleges

Bihar Agricultural College, Sabour
Name Email Id:
Alok Kumar alok0704singh@gmail.com
Muskan Mishra muskanmishra1440@gmail.com
Mandan Bharti Agriculture College, Agwanpur, Saharsa
Anshu Prakash prakashanshu31@gmail.com
Rakhi Priya rakhipriya1915@gmail.com
College of Agricultural Biotechnology, Sabour
Shubam Kumar sk0959414@gmail.com
Shristi Raj srishtiraj3317@gmail.com
Bhola Paswan Shastri Agricultural College, Purnea
Shubham Sahil shubhamsahil8899@gmail.com
Mantasha Parween mantash16012004@gmail.com
Nalanda College of Horticulture, Noorsarai
Nishu Kumari kumarinishu7903@gmail.com
Gagan Pratap gaganpratap163@gmail.com
Dr. Kalam Agricultural College, Kishanganj
Rakhi Kumari rakhikumari772002@gmail.com
Pradeep Kr Yadav pradeepasc8773@gmail.com


Message for Recruiter:

It’s my honour & privilege to welcome you to Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour the historical place in the map of undivided India wherein one of the agricultural college was established by the British in the year 1908. The university started it journey in this historical place 2010. The university is imparting education in various discipline agriculture, horticulture, agriculture engineering, sericulture, agribusiness management. Also imparting education in M.Sc. (Ag.) & Ph.D. in almost all important disciplines. University values the partnership with recruiters and continues to sustain it. We are committed in making your recruiting experience prolific & encouraging and to strive to provide you with the best talent pool. We feel privileged to invite your esteemed MNC/Company/NGO/Bank etc as an on-campus recruiter.
Dr. D R Singh,Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of the university is please to create a unique ecosystem considering the needs of the MNCs/Companies/Banks/NGOs and students for the regular campus interview and industry – institute interface.
Please placed your recruitment request (Click the link for the profoma) to this email id: placementcellbau@gmail.com

Message for Students:

We valued that all the students of the university is unique and with potential of excel their full capabilities for the growth and development of the institutions wherein they work and to spearhead in future. Our students shows their excellence in curricular and extracurricular activities. Students interested to campus placement drive have to registered themselves. The filled up registration form cum CV/Bio Data to be submitted to the office of the Placement Cell & Career Counselling Centre (Click the link for the profoma).

  • Supporting Staff:
  • Ram Singh, Contact No. : 6201098932

  • Circular & Notice:
Sr. No. Posted Date Subject View/Download
1 17/03/2025 Regarding Selection Process to the post of AGT-IFFCO & Date of Examination & venue View/Download
2 10/03/2025 Announcement on Campus placement drive by Jeevika View/Download
3 18/02/2025 IFFCO shows there interest to conduct a campus placement drive for the students of BAU Sabour. Students View/Download
4 27/12/2024 Sales Trainee at Ms. Paradeep Phosphates Limited View/Download
5 24/12/2024 Sales trainee in Syngenta (last date : 28/12/2024) View/Download
6 29/10/2024 Recruitment for the position of Assistant Manager (FPO) View/Download
7 17/10/2024 Junior Executives vacancies in NTPC (No. post 50) View/Download
8 03/07/2024 Internship opportunity M.Sc Agriculture students View/Download
9 29/06/2024 Recruitment of Project Implementing Team in The Bihar State Cooperative Bank Ltd. (BSCB) (Head Office and Saharsa) and District Central Co-Operative Bank Ltd. (DCCBs) (Bettiah, Gopalganj and Bhagalpur) on Contract Basis. View/Download
10 03/05/2024 Campus Placement Invitation- Bharat Financial Inclusion Ltd (Hyderabad) View/Download
11 16/03/2024 The notice no. 14/PC & CCC/BAU Sabour /2024 Dated : 31/01/2024, regarding IDBI Bank Ltd. Campus Connect Programme for campus placement drive programme View/Download
12 31/01/2024 Campus drive for Junior Assistant Manager @ IDBI Bank Ltd. (last date 3/02/2024) View/Download
13 30/01/2024 Intern Position @ Bhoomi AI Solution Pvt. Ltd. View/Download
14 09/01/2024 Campus placement drive by Paradeep Phosphate View/Download
15 03/11/2023 Job Opening for Agril. Analyst @ Kshema, Hyderbad View/Download
16 14/09/2023 Application Are Invited For A Data Engineer/Software Developer Position (JRF). View/Download
17 18/09/2023 Interns: Fifteen Position @ Dhanuka Agritech View/Download
18 09/09/2023 Urgent Notification : Job Opening For Farm Tele Adviser View/Download
19 11/09/2023 Job Opening In Praakritik (Experience : 0 To 1 Year Location: Mumbai ) View/Download
20 30/08/2023 Walk-In-Interview For YP II At DEE BAU Sabour(Date Of Interview 18.09.2023) View/Download
21 19/04/2023 Campus Drive Notification For The Recruitment In Fertis India Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad View/Download
22 06/07/2023 Interview For Engagement Of Intern In Anmol Feeds Private Limited For UG Students (Date Of Interview: 11th July, Tuesday From 03:00 P.M. Onwards) View/Download
23 03/07/2023 Anugramik Services Pvt. Ltd. Will Deliver Lecture On B.Sc(Ag) Students Placement Opportunities And Training On 5/07/2023 At 4:00 To 5:00 PM (Online) View/Download
24 26/06/2026 Advertisement For Management Trainees (Rural Management) View/Download
25 15/06/2023 Intern In Anmol Feeds Private Limited For UG Students(Last Date 19/6/2023) View/Download
26 05/06/2023 Students Selected For The Next Round Interview In HDFC Bank View/Download
27 05/06/2023 Job Opening In SEWA Bharat View/Download
28 05/06/2023 Campus Placement Drive For Management Trainee At YARA Fertilizers India Pvt. Ltd. For PG/PhD Female Students(Last Date 9/6/2023) View/Download
29 02/06/2023 Mentor-Intern Program In Global Citizenship Foundation View/Download
30 21/08/2021 Campus Drive For Management Trainee (Sales & Marketing) At Ms. Paradeep Phosphates Limited (Last Date 07/06/2023) View/Download
31 20/05/2023 Interview For Assistant Breeder At VNR Seeds Pvt Ltd View/Download
32 19/05/2023 Workshop On “Career Counselling And Higher Education Opportunities For Agriculture Student” On 22/05/2023 At BAC Sabour View/Download
33 04/06/2023 Vacancy In Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society (BRLPS)/ JEEViKA View/Download
34 28/04/2023 Vacancy For Assistant Breeder At VNR Seeds Pvt Ltd (Last Date : 10 May 2023) View/Download
35 25/04/2023 Urgent Requirement : For Placement Opportunity Of BAU Sabour Students At APMAS (Last Date For Application 28/04/2023) View/Download
36 22/04/2023 Requirement Of Interns FPO Operational Areas At APMAS View/Download
37 19/04/2023 Advertisement For Engagement Of Technical Assistant Under NFSM Scheme On Contractual Basis In DRD, Patna View/Download
38 04/04/2023 Recruitment Of LRP By NGC View/Download