Name: Dr. J. N. Srivastava
Contact No.: 0641-2451066
Email: dswbausabour@gmail.com
About The Department
(1) Medical Facilities
- Medical services are provided through a qualified medical officer at H.Q Sabour and through local Government Primary Health service at various Colleges of University.
- Ambulance facility is available at H.Q. for transferring emergency patient to Medical college Hospital, Bhagalpur/ Patna.
(2) Games and Sports
- There are games and sports clubs in each hostel.
- Inter College Sports and Athletics meet are organized annually
- University team of various sports and Athletics, participate in annual All India Inter Agricultural University sports & Athletics meet organized by ICAR.
(3) Extra curricular activities
- The extra-curricular activities are organized through professional, cultural and literary societies under the guidance of respective staff counsellor for all the societies at different college.
- University teams of various societies participate in All India Inter cultural / literary competition.
(4) Scholarship / Stipend:-
(State Govt. - Stipend/ Fellowship)
- Graduate Stipend for Under graduate Students:- 2000/- per months ; Besides monthly stipend, 6000.00 per year per students is also awarded for the purchase of books & stationeries
- BAU-Fellowship (BAU Entrance admitted and Bihar Domicile) :- P.G.:- 2,000/- per months ; Ph.D :- 3,000/- per months
(ICAR - Scholarship /Fellowship)
- RAWE : (After training course ) 3000/- per months
- National Talent Scholarship : U.G. :- Rate:- 3000/- per months ; P.G. :-5000/- per months
- Junior Research Fellowship :- 12,640/- per months with 6000/- yearly contingency
- Senior Research Fellowship :- 31,000/- per months with 10,000/- yearly contingency
- India Africa Fellowship – Ph.D. – 22000/- per months ;P.G. : 18,000/- per months