National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad has launched a one-year Post-Graduate Diploma in Agricultural Extension Management (PGDAEM) in distance learning mode during 2007, under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme “Support to State Extension Programme for Extension Reforms.” The States are getting the support of the Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (DA& FW), Govt. of India under Extension Reforms Scheme to the tune of 60%, 90% and 100% for General States, North-Eastern States & three Himalayan States and Union Territories respectively. Until now, around 22,000 candidates, mostly government employees, have benefitted from this program and applied the knowledge and technologies learnt from this course at the field level.
The notification of 18th (2024-25) batch, PGDAEM is released and brochure is herewith attached to forward to all the SNOs and SAMETIs for wide publicity among government employees from Agricultural and allied departments, SAUs, CAUs, KVKs, boards, corporations, ATMA offices etc. in order to generate awareness and inspire them to enroll for the program in the 18th batch (2024-25).
The last date for receiving applications at BAU, Sabour by the respective ATMA is December 31, 2024 (Tuesday), at the Directorate of Extension Education, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour so that it can be forwarded to BAMETI, Patna for approval and MANAGE, Hyderabad, thereafter on time. Brochure of the program is enclosed for more information. Details about the program are available on MANAGE website:
In this context, it is to inform that this program is free for all the government and field level officers in the department of Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, boards, KVKs, and SAUs etc. wherever the field level personnel are working. Enrollment of candidates from Horticulture, Fisheries, Sericulture, Forestry sectors etc. is not very encouraging, which must be enhanced. Hence, it is a request to issue necessary directions to nominate 2-3 candidates from each district from your State so that they can benefit from the course and apply the learnt knowledge at field level effectively.