Name: Dr. Ravindra Kumar Sohane
Contact No.: 0641-2452611
Email: deebausabour@gmail.com
About Directorate
The Directorate of Extension Education, in the Bihar Agricultural University was created in the year of 2010. Directorate of Extension Education of the University is the nodal agency to plan, organize, coordinate, evaluate and monitor the extension education works of the University through Agricultural colleges at Sabour (Bhagalpur), Saharsa, Purnea and Dumraon (Buxar), Noorsarai (Nalanda) and Kishanganj, thirteen Research stations and 21 Krishi Vigyan Kendras which is located in three agro-climatic zones (II, IIIA & IIIB) of Bihar. Its main aim is to transfer the well proven/tested technologies to the farmers, livestock owners, rural youth, extension functionaries of State Government and other personnel engaged in developmental and professional activities in the field of agriculture and allied areas through its well planned, skill-oriented and need based programmes. The Directorate acts as bridge between the research scientists and the farmers and other stakeholders who are involved in extension activities. Therefore, the role of the Directorate is two fold, i.e., transfer of technologies from scientists to the ultimate users i.e. farmers through field functionaries and to find out the problems of the field to be passed on to various research divisions of the University for solutions. Promotion of agricultural development through professional extension service is the overall role of the directorate.
- Strengthening and enhancing professionalism in extension.
- Supervising and monitoring extension programme of the University.
- Providing guidelines and maintaining coordination among various centres and sub-centres including KVKs and Organizing trainings for extension functionaries and other officials of Central and State government to upgrade their knowledge.
Wings of Directorate
Directorate has six wings which is described below:
- Field ExtensionWing: All KVKs under the jurisdiction of BAU, Sabour comes under field extension wing of Directorate. Krishi Vigyan Kendras are functioning in all the district of Bihar. Out of 38 KVKs, 21 KVKs are running under Bihar Agricultural University and are located in- Araria, Arwal, Aurangabad, Banka, Bhagalpur, Gaya, Amas (Gaya), Jehanabad, Katihar, Khagaria, Kishanganj, Lakhisarai, Madhepura, Munger, Nalanda, Patna, Purnea, Rohtas, Saharsa, Sheikhpura and Supaul. It is responsible for rapid transfer of technology among farming community through training, front line demonstration on farmers field and testing & verifying the technology through its On Farm Trial at farmers field. This wing also offers the farm advisory services.
- Publication Wing: Publication wing of Directorate publishes different type of literatures like bulletins and folder on package of practices of crops, livestock production, bee keeping, mushroom cultivation etc. The Directorate also publishes Krishak Sandesh a monthly magazine and Annual Kisan Diary of BAU, Bihar Kisan Guide, Krishi ki Kahawaten, Udyan Prashikshak, Newsletter etc.
- Training Wing: This wing organizes training programme at the university headquarters for officers & field functionaries to update their scientific knowledge improve their technical skill. On the other hand various training for farmers, farm women, unemployed youths, housewives & others are organized for their knowledge and skill empowerment & to promote self-employment.
- Exhibition Wing: Exhibition Wing display technology of university for farmers & visitors. It organizes Kisan mela & display stall of university where ever required. It is further proposed to establish an exhibition hall-cum-museum to display all the technology under a roof.
- Communication Centre: The center is responsible for updating the farmers with new technology and making direct interaction with the scientists together with the production of film on success stories, technical compact discs, development of website and media support to various activities of the university. Under the project Agricultural Knowledge Dissemination System, a media center has been established and all KVKs under the jurisdiction of BAU, Sabour are connected to media center through Video Conferencing facility by which farmers can directly talk to the experts of the university. Community radio station at BAU, Sabour and KVK Barh is established which facilitates the dissemination of technology at local level.
- Information Wing– Information wing is responsible to manage the media and project the work as well as news of the university together with the dissemination of technologies through Press, Television & Radio.
Programme of Directorate
The Directorate of Extension Education with its 6 wings and having a network of 21 KVKs located in 20 districts of the state is carrying out the followings programmes.
- Transfer of technologies – Directorate through its training programme, FLDs (Front Line Demonstrations) and OFT (On Farm Trials) is engaged in rapid transfer of technologies.
- Dissemination of Information – In this information age, it is not only important to generate information but also to see that the required information is delivered to the end users at the earliest and that too without any dissemination loss. Directorate of Extension is effectively doing this job through participation of its scientist in T.V. programmes, Radio broadcast and publication of different types of literature, organization of KisanMela/ KisanGosthi etc.
- Farm advisory services – Under this programme the scientist of the university provides technical guidance to the farmers and different aspects through scientist visit to villages, farmers visit to station and replies to farmers queries through telephonic or postal correspondence.
- Supply and Services – Directorate offers following Supply and Services to farmers –
- Soil testing facilities – Directorate offers Soil testing facilities through various its KVKs as well as Soil testing department of university.
- Farmers Helpline – Farmers helpline service has been started in Plant Health Clinic of university headquarter at Sabour. Farmers of the state can have access to the university experts through telephonic link.
- Krishi Sewa Kendra – Different product like Strawberries, Honey, Seeds etc. and publications like Kisan Diary, Krishak Sandesh, Udyan Prashikshak, Krishi Ki Kahawaten, Bihar Kisan Guide, Newsletter etc. of the university are sold to farmers which is serving as a single window system to help the farming committee.
- Outreach Programme – Directorate is reaching the unreached through its outreach programme like organizing chaupal, off- campus training, Kisan Gosthi together with field day at farmers’ field and Scientists visit to the farmers’ field. Outreach programme is of great importance to the farmers who cannot visit the university/KVK from the remote rural areas.
- Kisan Choupal (Bihar Krishi Vishwavidyalay Kisan de Dwar) - Process Considering the importance of smallholders in agriculture and the complexity of resource poor rural families, the university started “Kisan Choupal: on April 28, 2012 in collaboration with 20 Krishi VIgyan Kendras (KVKs) and 8 constituent colleges of the university. Since then the university is organizing Kisan Choupal every Saturday with theme. “Bihar Krishi Vishwavidyalay Ksano de Dwar-Kisan Choupal. BAU is the first in India to start this type of innovative programme.
Mandates of Kisan Choupal
- To strengthen linkage between scientists and farming community and provide scientific information at farmers’ doorsteps.
- To revive the tradition of Kisan Choupal existing in the ancient times to help farms solve their problems on their own at their place.
- To collect feedback and/or researchable issues from farmers’ fields and communicate to the researchers for further formulating research priorities.
- To provide area specific/demand driven information of farmers at their doorsteps.
- To Bring about convergence between different agencies working for at grassroots level.
- To motivate the people with these of scientific and technical videos on farming practices.
- To create awareness about and popularize the ongoing government schemes for agricultural development.
Agriculture technologies and their diffusion process are important factors in developing countries’ quests for food and nutritional security. Farming in different resource endowments must be suitable, economical, and intensive in order to provide dependable and long –term support for rural households. To achieve these capabilities, farmers must have access to sustainable technologies in crop, livestock, forestry and fisheries. In this regard, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) started programmes Like Lab to Land, National Demonstrations, Operational Research Projects and Institute Village Linkage Programme, which are all now embedded in the scheme of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK)
KVK as a plan scheme of ICAR plays a vital role in facilitating application of agricultural technologies by the farmers. It is a unique scheme of ICAR oriented to serve the farmers by being the fountainhead of agricultural technologies at the district level. KVKs are the agricultural knowledge centres for farmers, farmwomen, rural youth and extension functionaries. Under the jurisdiction of Bihar Agricultural University twenty KVKs namely Araria, Arwal, Aurangabad, Banka, Bhagalpur, Gaya, Jehanabad, Katihar, Khagaria, Kishanganj, Lakhisarai, Madhepura, Munger, Nalanda, Patna, Purnes, Rohtas, Saharsa, Sheikhpura and Supual are working with specific mandate as follows:
- Conducting on-farm testing to identify the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems.
- Organizing frontline demonstrations to establish production potential of various crops and enterprises on the farmers’ fields.
- Organizing need based training for farmers to update their knowledge and skills on modern agricultural technologies related to technology assessment, refinement and demonstration and training of extension personnel to orient them in the frontier areas of technology development.
- Creating awareness about improved agricultural technologies among various clienteles through appropriate extension programmes.
- Production of quality seeds, planting materials, livestock breeds, animal product bio-product etc as per the demand and supply the same to different clienteles.
- Work as knowledge and resource centre of agricultural technology to support the initiative of public, private and voluntary sectors for improving the agricultural economy of the district.