Dr. Y.K. Singh
In-charge of Officer Club
(Asstt. Prof. SSAC, BAC, Sabour)
Clause 1.0 Title: The name of the Club shall be BAU OFFICERS CLUB, Sabour
Clause 2.0 Aims & Objectives
The club shall be administered to promote team work in BAU, Sabour with cultural activities by providing facilities for sports, recreation and amusement to the members of the club, their family and guests.
Clause 3.0 Financial Year (From 1st April to 31st March of the next calendar year).
Clause 4.0 Membership
4.1 Eligibility for membership under different categories shall be as follows:-
Regular Members
BAU Officers at Sabour or their dependents.
Non-resident Members
BAU Officers but not stationed at Sabour and their dependents.
Casual Members
Residents of Sabour in the rank of officer other than the officers of BAU may be admitted as casual members at the discretion of the Executive Committee for one or more of the activities of the club
4.2 Procedure for enrolment of membership
All regular & non-resident members will automatically qualify for club membership subject to membership fee duly paid. They are not required to apply separately.
- All applications received for enrolment shall be signed by the Hony. Secretary and circulated to Executive Committee members for consideration. Executive Committee shall have power to reject any application for membership without stating any reason.
- Applicant for casual and non-resident membership shall on selection, receive written communication from the Hony. Secretary confirming his/her selection. No candidate in this regard shall be considered to be a member, nor can he/she avail himself/herself of any of the privileges of membership, until the above formalities are completed. Thereafter, the candidate shall pay the membership fee enrol himself/herself as a member. Failure to pay fees within one month from the date of selection shall render his/her admissibility as a member to the club become null and void. All applications for casual & non- resident membership shall be sponsored by at least two regular members.
- The Executive Committee may adjudicate on the conduct of any member and if, in their opinion, it is desirable in the interest of Club to terminate such membership, they may do so with a notice to place their view within seven days of notice. However decision of executive committee will be final in this regard.
4.3 Membership Fee
Charges to be paid by the members shall be as follows:
Member Type
Monthly Subscription
Annual Subscription
Admission Fee one time
₹ 300/-
Regular Member
₹ 150/- p.m.
₹ 1800
Non-resident member
₹ 150/- p.m.
₹ 1800
Casual member
₹ 200/- p.m.
₹ 2400
- The committee will decide regarding any enhancement in the club subscription after every two (02) years.
- Additional charge for outdoor & indoor games such as Tennis, Badminton , Entertainment, and Library etc. may be levied as when decided by the Executive Committee and notified by the Secretary.
- All members shall pay their club bills by the 15th day of the every month. If he fails to pay his/her bill in full within the month, he/she may be deprived of the privileges the club and may cease to continue as a member at the discretion of the Executive Committee. In case, should a member go by default for more than 03 (three) months, his /her membership shall terminate automatically.
- Those who pay subscription through bank may give at one time if Executive Committee allows.
Clause 5.0
5.1 All members and their families and guest shall have the right to enjoy the amenities provided by the club and participate in the said functions and activities. Number of guests per may be restricted of a charge that may be levied, as when decided by the Executive Committee, from time to time. Persons eligible to be elected as regular members will not be allowed as guests of any other member.
5.2 Only regular members will have voting rights in the business meetings of the club.
Clause 6.0
6.1 The club shall be administered by an Executive Committee, comprising of twelve Hony. Members as follows:
President : 1
Vice-President : 3 (May vary as per posting at BAU)
Hon. Secretary : 1
Joint Secretary : 1
Treasurer : 1
Joint Treasurer : 1
Members : 04, 1 for each of the following activities
- Sports : 1
- Gymnasium : 1
- General entertainment & cultural activities : 1
- Library : 1
All the office bearers mentioned above shall be or nominated as a member of the Executive Committee except President and Vice President.
6.2 Formation of Executive Committee
- Only regular member can be elected in the Executive Committee. The election of the office bearers shall be held in the manner described below:
- Upon notification issued by the Hon. Secretary one month before the Annual General Meeting, members offering their candidature shall file their nomination form. A List shall be prepared with the names of those members who have filed nomination. Each regular member present at the election shall be entitled to one vote for each member of the committee and candidates polling the majority of votes shall be declared as duly elected to the Executive Committee, for the ensuing year. In case the President, in General meeting, shall tender his /her casting vote in favour of one or the other.
- The Executive Committee, in its subsequent sitting after General Election, may assign specified work to one more other members to be held and assist the elected members in any particular activity, if so desired. If necessary, persons from amongst the Regular member of the Club, also who are not members of the Executive Committee, may be co-opted to serve in any of the sub-committee. Such co-opting will be at the discretion of the elected members for the particular activity. Each member of the sub committees shall have the right to vote in the business meetings of the sub-committees.
- The Executive Committee shall have the power to form additional sub-Committee or Sub-committees for any specific purpose or purposes as and when required. The members of such Sub-Committees need not necessarily be members of the Executive Committee, but must be regular members of the club. Executive Committee and sub-committees may invite any members to participate in the proceedings, if necessary.
- President:- The Vice Chancellor should be the President of the BAU Officers’ Club. The President of the Club or nominated members shall preside over the meetings of the Executive Committee, as well as other General Body meeting.
- Vice President: - The Level 14, Pay Band senior officers should be the Vice President of the BAU Officers Club.
- Secretary :- The Hony. Secretary shall be in charge of the activities of the club and its premises and all stock of furniture and fittings. He/she shall be responsible for correctness of all the bills payable and receivable by the Club. He/she shall keep a correct account of the minutes of the Executive Committee and shall submit the same at every regular or special meeting of the committee. He shall have authority to deal with correspondences which must be laid before the regular meetings of the Committee and thereafter carefully filed. He/she shall receive applications for membership and ascertain as far as possible, the correctness of the details of information given therein and shall submit the same at the first available regular meeting of the committee.
- Jt. Secretary: He/she may act as Secretary in the long absence (more than three month) of Secretary. For this Executive Committee has to take resolution and that has to be approved by President.
- Treasurer :- The Hony. Treasurer shall, in conjunction with the Hony. Secretary, be in charge of the finances of the Club. All cheques and negotiable instruments shall be signed by any two of the following office bearers:
- Treasurer.
- Secretary.
- Joint Secretary.
- Joint Treasurer.
- Signature of either Hony. Treasurer or Hony. Secretary is must to pass any cheques and negotiable instruments.
- The Hony. Treasurer shall be responsible for maintenance of proper records of income and expenditure and shall submit each month to the Committees statement showing the Club’s financial position and also statements of financial position of each section.
6.3 Sub – Committee Members : The members in charge of sub-committee shall take decision day to day matter relating to the management of the particular activity for which it has been entrusted and the decision of the Sub- Committee shall be for the interest of the Club. Any decision of the Sub-Committee may be implemented with the consent of the Hony. Secretary.
Clause 7.0 : Power
The Executive Committee shall have powers to grant the exclusive used part of the club premises for such use from any regular member or non-resident member on application in writing to the President/ Vice President at least 7 days in advance to maximum 60 days. Applications granted shall be put on the Club Notice Board for information of all members. Parts of the club may be allotted for marriage purpose or any social function on condition that the rent will be fixed by Vice President, Club cleaning will be done by the allottee and any damage of the Club during the social programme is to be borne by the allottee.
Clause 8.0: Accounts
The financial month shall end on the last day of each calendar month except in the month of March when the account shall close on the 15th day of April. The Hony. Treasurer shall prepare a statement of account for each month and present the same in the monthly meeting of the Executive Committee.
Statement of accounts for the year ending on 31th March of the each year, together with Secretary’s report shall be presented to the General Body in the Annual General Meeting and shall first be approved by the Executive Committee.
Clause 9.0 : Business Meeting
9.1 Annual General Meeting: The Annual General Meeting shall be held after the close of the financial year but not later than 30th September of each year. Seven Calendar days’ notice shall be given before holding the meeting and each notice shall contain in full details of the business to be transacted. Any resolution in this meeting should be passed by Quorum.
30% of the Regular members will form Quorum
An Adjourned meeting may be called on 5 days’ notice for which no further quorum will be necessary. For such meeting, 5 days’ notice shall be given. At least 60% of the those present must be in favour of any of confident motion, must be passed by at least 51% of the regular members of the general body within 1 week.
9.2 Executive Committee Meeting: The Executive Committee shall assemble once a month and deal with the business of the club. The Executive Committee shall also be empowered to nominate a regular member among the members of the Committee present for the purpose of conducting such meeting.
In the absence of the President and Vice- President for a regular Committee meeting, or general body meeting, the President shall nominate one member among the members of the Committee present for the purpose of conducting such meeting.
At an Executive Committee meeting the member who fails to attend the committee meeting thrice successfully without valid reason, shall cease to continue as a member of the Executive Committee.
9.3 Sub- Committee Meeting: Sub-Committee meeting may be convened by the elected members of the particular section.
10.0 General:
- The club shall remain open daily for the use of members as notified by Hony. Secretary and displayed in the Notice Board, except when otherwise specified by Hony. Secretary.
- A complaint and suggestion book shall be kept in the Club wherein members may record any matter desired to be brought to the notice of the Committee and this book shall be produced at every Committee Meeting.
- Any proposal for amendment of the constitution or the introduction of a new rules, or alteration of the rules already framed by the committee, shall be circulated or posted on the Notice Board for at least 28 days and shall thereafter be put up the next general body meeting for its acceptance or afterwards that has to be signed at least 51% of the regular member for any changes in the by Laws.
- The rules are binding on all members and the committee.
- No confidence notice against any office bearer, the Hony. Secretary shall convene a general body meeting for resenting the estimates and for taking decision of major policy matters for the club.
- Club Timings
Gym/ Club Timings (7 days of the week) :- With effect from 25.08.2022
Time duration
(5.30 AM
9.00 AM)
5.30 AM to 7.30 AM
Faculty, Students & Staff (Women)
7.30 AM to 09:00 AM
Faculty, Students & Staff (Men)
(4.30 PM
9.00 PM)
4.30 PM to 6.30 PM
Faculty, Students & Staff (Women)
6.30 PM to 9.00 PM
Faculty, Students & Staff (Men)
(I) Overall In charge of Officer Club :- Director Students’ Welfare, BAU, Sabour
(II) In-charge of Officer Club :- Dr. Y.K. Singh (Asstt. Prof. SSAC, BAC, Sabour)
(III) Account Section :- Asstt. Comptroller, BAC, Sabour
(IV) Helper :- Sri Birendra Murmu