Dr. R.D.Ranan
Officer In-charge, Guest House
Ph.: 91- 7903995145, Email: guesthousebausabour@gmail.com
University Guest house is situated in residential campus of BAU, Sabour which is approximately 50 meters away from main gate of residential campus of BAU, Sabour. The University has five guest houses namly Old guest house (VVIP), New guest house, FCC-I, FCC-III & International Hostel situated in close proximity to each other. The old guest has four VIP suite rooms, new guest has 08 double bed rooms, FCC-I has 02 VIP Suites, FCC-III has 07 double bed rooms and the International Hostel has 08 double bed rooms & 03 VIP Suites. The rooms of all guest houses are equipped with Air conditioner, WI-Fi, Cable Television etc.
These Guest Houses are primarily meant for the official guests of the BAU, other SAUs, ICAR institutes and participants of Seminars / Workshops/ Symposia / Conferences / Training Programmes organized by the our University. The reservations for the rooms need to be done well in advance. Accommodation shall be provided subject to the availability of rooms. The Guest Houses provide beddings (bed sheets, pillow, sheet, pillow cover, blanket, mattress, etc.). Check-out time is 24 hrs from the time of arrival. All dues should be cleared before departure during office hours, preferably during (10 AM to 4 PM) on working days. Please demand official receipts for payments made.
Sl. No
Type of Rooms
No of Rooms
Rate per room (in Rs)
On Official
On Permanent
VIP Suites
Rs: 750/-
Rs: 1000/-
Deluxe Rooms
Rs: 400/-
Rs: 600/-
VIP Rooms
Rs: 400/-
Rs: 600/-
The rate of accommodation of room as mentioned above is same for ICAR/SAU and Serving Officers of Central/State Govt., while it will be doubled for Visitors of Private/ Autonomous Organization and Foreigners
How to apply for reservation of room: The prescribed format for reservation of room may be obtained from University website. The duly filled form may be submitted to Official email of Officer Incharge University, Guest House, B.A.U., Sabour. The status of allotment of room will be provided by Officer In Charge, Guest House as per availability of rooms on requisite date. The allotment request for accommodation should be received to us at least two days advance on the prescribed application directly or through email.
Application Form: