Central Analytical Instrumentation Facility (CAIF)

Central Analytical Instrumentation Facility (CAIF)

About CAIF

The Central Analytical Instrumentation Facility (CAIF), was established by the funding of Government of Bihar. These facilities were set up to offer the scientific community low-cost data collecting services from advanced analytical equipment for their cutting-edge research. The facility has developed into a significant hub for materials characterisation, molecular and crystal structure determination, and spectroscopic and chromatographic measurements. The resources available at this centre significantly improve the quality of research being conducted in universities and research institutes around the nation. The industries are also granted access to this facility. User can also avail these facility through  I-STEM National Portal (https://www.istem.gov.in/) under Bihar Agricultural University.


Ø  Providing facility for samples analysis received from academic and research institutions, industries, and other organizations.

Ø  Providing access of high end analytical instruments to the scientist and students for conducting research work.

Ø  Providing training for operation and maintenance of sophisticated instruments

Ø  Execute sponsored research projects

List of instruments

Name of Instruments



Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (Make: Thermo Fisher Scientific, Model:

TSQ 9000, TSQ9KMTNOVPI; Trace 1300 GC)


TSQ™ 9000 GC-MS/MS system is a GC triple quadrupole platform  having mass resolution 1.2-1100.


Further details please contact operator Dr. Pritam Ganguly (pritam2246@bausabour.ac.in)


Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (Make: Thermo Fisher Scientific, Model: TSQ Fortis (TSQ0210003); Ultimate 3000 UHPLC

M/z: 5-3000, triple quadrupole

mass spectrometer


Further details please contact operator Dr. Pritam Ganguly (pritam2246@bausabour.ac.in)


High Performance Liquid Chormatograph


Agilent Technologies, Model:

1260 Infinity II)

600 bar pressure; UV-VIS Detector, C-18 column





Further details please contact operator Dr. Pritam Ganguly (pritam2246@bausabour.ac.in)


X-Ray Diffractometer (Make: Bruker, Model: DA 8 Advanced Eco)


Motorized anti-scatter screen, variable active detector window, 2Theta Angular range: <1 to >150, Two-circle goniometer with independent stepper motors and optical encoders




Further details please contact operator Dr. Nintu Mandal (nintu0603@bausabour.ac.in)


CHNS Elemental Analyser (Make: Eurovector, Model:            EA 3000)


Suitable for soils, plants, sediments, compost, leaves, fertilizers, animal feed, oil seed, pure organic samples, and synthetic mixtures


Further details please contact operator Dr. Anupam Das (anupam0281@bausabour.ac.in)



Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Make: Agilent Technologies, Model: FS240)

Fast Sequential atomic absorption spectrophotometer

Elements : Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, As, Mo


Further details please contact operator Dr. Anupam Das (anupam0281@bausabour.ac.in)