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आज दिनांक 08.04.2024 को प्राथमिक विद्यालय डिमिया छतरजान, प्रखण्ड पूर्णियाँ पूर्व जिला पूर्णियाँ में कुपोषण उन्मूलन कार्यक्रम के अन्तर्गत लाभुकों के बीच स्वास्थ्य षिविर का आयोजन किया गया। जिसमें उँचाई, वजन, हिमोग्लोबिन () इत्यादि की जाँच की गई। विदित हो कि इस कार्यक्रम का षुभारंभ बिहार कृषि विष्वविद्यालय, सबौर, भागलपुर के माननीय कुलपति डा॰ डी॰ आर॰ सिंह के द्वारा दिनांक 12.08.2023 को की गई थी। इस कार्यक्रम के अन्तर्गत प्रत्येक कृषि महाविद्यालय एवं कृषि विज्ञान केन्द्रों द्वारा एक-एक गाँव चयनित कर गोद लेना था। इसी क्रम में भोला पासवान शास्त्री कृषि महाविद्यालय, पूर्णियाँ द्वारा सह अधिष्ठाता-सह-प्राचार्य डा॰ पारस नाथ के निर्दषन में इस गाँव को गोद लिया गया। चयनित लाभुकों को जागरूक कर समय-समय पर पोषण वाटिका स्ािापित करने हेतु प्रषिक्षण दिया गया तथा पोषण वाटिका से होने वाले लाभ के बारे में जानकारी दिया गया। पोषण वाटिका स्ािापित करने हेतु समय-समय पर निःषुल्क फल एवं सब्जियों का बीज/पौधा वितरण किया गया। जाँच षिविर का मुख्य उद्धेष्य यह है कि लोगों में पोषण की कमी का पता करना तथा पोषण वाटिका से उपलब्ध फल एवं सब्जियों से समुचित पोषण उपलब्ध कराना। जाँच षिविर का आयोजन निष्चित अंतराल पर कराकर पोषण वाटिका का प्रभाव का पता करना है। इस कार्यक्रम में प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य केन्द्र के विषेषज्ञों तथा भोला पासवान शास्त्री कृषि महाविद्यालय, पूर्णियाँ के कृषि वैज्ञानिकों में डा॰ आषीष रंजन, डा॰ सूरज प्रकाष एवं डा॰ विकाष कुमार तथा साथ ही गाँव के लाभुक श्री राम नरेष सिंह, श्रीमती पानो देवी, श्रीमती सुषीला देवी, श्रीमती पूजा देवी, श्रीमती सुधा देवी, श्रीमती किरण देवी, श्री षिव षंकर सिंह, श्रीमती मंजू देवी इत्यादि मौजूद थे।
A Vikisit Bharat @ 2047 programme was organized at Bhola Paswan Shastri Agricultural College, Purnea (Posted on : 29/12/2023)
A Vikisit Bharat @ 2047 programme was organized at Bhola Paswan Shastri Agricultural College, Purnea under the guidance of Dr. D.R. Singh, Honorable Vice-Chancellor of Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour on December 29, 2023. Col. Manish Verma 35 Bihar Battalion NCC Purnea was the Chief Guest of this programme. On this occasion, Dr. Paras Nath, Principal, BPSAC, Purnea addressed the audience and informed that India is developing nation in the world for which the Government of India is running awareness programmes to get ideas from the youth to make it developed by the year 2047. He further informed that NSS unit of BPSAC, Purnea had organized series of awareness progamme for the students of B.Sc (Hons.), Agriculture about the idea behind the Vikisit Bharat @ 2047 since 19th December 2023. By the NSS unit effort, student of BPSAC, Purnea get registered on the Vikisit Bharat @ 2047 web portal and gave suggestions to the Govt. of India through this portal. He, further, emphasized about the Government determination to make India a developed nation by the year 2047 with the ideas of the youth for nation building. The role of youth is very important because human resource is the most important capital for a nation and India is in abundance. He further told that our nation will complete 100 years of independence in the year 2047, therefore it is our duty to make India as a developed nation in every field.
In addition, he told that the Jai Kisan Jai Science Week (23-29 December, 2023) is also going in the country and told that producing food grains in line with the increasing population has had an adverse effect on agriculture. But the agricultural scientists and farmers of India are increasing the production of food grains by using agricultural techniques for the development of agriculture.
The Chief Guest of the programme, Col. Manish Verma, 35 Bihar Battalion NCC Purnia, said in his address that discipline plays a very important role in building any nation, hence, appealed to all the youth to think positively for the building of the nation. Finally, he said that if all the youth of the country contribute positively, and then by the year 2047 India will be able to establish itself on the world stage as a developed nation.
Visit of BSc(Ag.) 2nd Semester (batch 2022-23) students of BPSAC, Purnea to KVK, Katihar for the acquaintance of Unviersity Extension System (Posted on : 16/10/2023)
On 11-10-2023 students of BSc(Ag) 2nd Semester, batch 2022-23 visited the Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Katihar for knowing the extension system of the Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour with their Course Insturctors Dr. Narendra Kumar Sharma, Assistant Professor, Extension Education, PG, Faculty, Extension Education and Dr. Pankaj Kumar Mandal, Assistant Professor, Extension Education, BPSAC, Purnea. At KVK, Katihar, Dr. Sarda Kumari, senior scientist and Programm Coordinator acquainted all the students with all the activities being carried out at KVK, Katihar as well as Mushroom production, Musroom Spawn production done there. Sri Pankaj Kumar, SMS, Extension acquainted the students with the role, function and mandates of KVK, Katihar. He also made the students know about. Standing crop of paddy variety, Sabour Shree, Vermicopost making and role of KVK in caapcity building of farmers. Dr. Kamleshwary Prasad Singh apprised the students about crops viz Coarse cereals (Kodo Millte, Foxtail Millet, China and Sawan), Nutri-garden, Shed Net, Poly tunnel technologies installed at KVK, Katihar. Dr. Nandita kumari, Subject Matter Specialist, Home Science acquainted the students with value addition of fruits and vegetables. In the end Dr. Narendra Kumar Sharma delivered vote of thanks to all the members of KVK on behalf of all the students and faculty of BPSAC, Purnea for the excellent arangment of educational visit in a short period of time.